Largemouth Bass Lineup

Largemouth Bass Lineup

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Moving Along

It has been a busy few weeks here at J&M Flies.  Melissa has been hard at work prepping bodies, painting bodies and working on Road Kills.

My mission has been to clean up the tying area. Yea it hasn't happened.  I don't even know where to start.  Does this happen to anyone else or is it just me?


  1. My area can get really messy, and I'm only thing for one. Don't know how you stay as organized as you do.

  2. I keep a small vacuum close at hand. For the excess fluff of course. When it comes to neatness, I'm sometimes OCD.

  3. If it means anything as far as cleaning up the fly tying bench, my wife just refers to it anymore as "Mel's Mess".
