Largemouth Bass Lineup

Largemouth Bass Lineup

Friday, June 8, 2012

Smallmouth Fishing in WV

After our two fly competition in session 3, Greg and I knew we would not be in the championship round.  I was fine with that and I believe so was Greg.  I can't say I was overly excited with our showing, more to the point mine, but hey at least we weren't last.  Not too bad for two anglers who have never done something like this before.

So we decided to do what we love which is chase the warm water fish.  On our last misadventure to WV, we found a small park that had access to the river.  We did really well that day chasing the smallies and panfish.  So with the information tucked into the back of our minds, we decided to hit the park again.  Our previous misadventures can be read here

Well we didn't do as well as last time but we did have a blast.  The water was up and moving still at a pretty good rate.  The rocks are extremely slippery here and it can be treacherous to walk.  We really could only get around half way out into the river.  Where we really wanted to fish was across the river on the other side.  Figures, right?  I fished the Road Kill nymph and slayed them using it in white.  I ended the day with 22 smallies, 6 fall fish and 3 long ears.  I even managed to catch the first smallie of the year on a size 8 Fire Tiger popper.  Greg landed 2 fall fish, 2 long ears and 11 smallies.  They really loved the Road Kill stripped in fast and then left to dead drift and finally swing in the current.  I caught all of my fall fish that way.  Eventually I lost my white Road Kill.  I had only tied two of them up for me and gave the other one to Greg to use.  Switching colors still produced fish though.  They really did love the thing.

I believe the only mishap of the afternoon was me being chased by some snake.  I happened to be about half way out into the river and was letting the fly swing to my left.  As I turned back to the right to cast again, I saw the snake heading right for me and it was only about 5 feet away.  I have to admit that I don't like snakes.  I don't care whether they are poisonous or not.  I just don't like them.  Yes before you all get all up in arms, I know they serve a purpose.....just not around me, on me, near me and even where I can see them.  They really might be my Kryptonite or Achilles heel.

All in all it was a great outing.

First smallie of the year on a popper 

Winner, winner chicken dinner 


  1. looks like you were having some fun in the sun. :)

  2. Some nice fish, I'll take those any day.

    1. Me too Devin. Always a blast to catch anything let alone 22 smallies.
