Largemouth Bass Lineup

Largemouth Bass Lineup

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Harman's North Fork Cottages Day 3-Morning Session

Previously at Harman's: We had arrived on Thursday and caught some trout.  I broke my 3wt rod which I have had for the past 18 years.  The very first rod I ever got.  The next day Greg and I got up and fished out behind the cabin.  We caught more trout.  After lunch, we hooked up with Kevin over at and chased smallies and panfish in the early afternoon/evening.  When we got home, Greg broke my favorite 5wt rod by closing the door to the cabin on the tip of it.  So a day and a half into this wedding present/vacation/birthday trip I am two rods down and to think my wife mocked me for bringing four rods!

So September 3rd dawned a new day and we got up again in order to pursue those browns, rainbows and tigers out behind the cabin.  As the trip progressed, I noticed that our catch rate dropped.  By the morning of day 3 we were struggling to land something.  The fish had gotten wise to our tactics.  Dries weren't raising them and the woolly buggers would only cause them to move out of the way of it as it came down their feeding lane.  I was able to land four rainbows throughout the morning on the Batman and Colorado Special.  Basically I irritated the fish enough into biting.  With a small stripping action, I was able to make the rainbows chase the nymphs.  It was a blast to watch them circle it, swipe at it, race by it, and turn on it with arched backs.  It would drive them wild and they had to keep following it.  God forbid another rainbow was also following it or paid even the slightest attention to it because someone would surely eat the nymph out of spite.  I am convinced they would eat it just to make sure the other fish didn't get it.  As I stated, in the end I managed to bring four rainbows to hand before the morning session ended due to the sun peaking over the hill.  All in all it was a good morning, nothing broken and a fine start to my birthday.  Things were looking up or so I thought.


  1. Okay, are you one of the regular "lunatics" on You just lost all credibility with me...except that means your tying skills are way beyond mine. Good post by the way.

  2. Cofisher,

    Not sure what a "lunatic" is on but yeah I am on there a lot. Thanks for reading

  3. Great post It is way to fish in river waters where a fisher throws fly on water surface with some natural or artificial bait with colorful traits to attract fish and fly fish reels are helpful to draw them back out of water.well
    the provide the information
    A person who interested in this sport.
