Largemouth Bass Lineup

Largemouth Bass Lineup

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Aaaahhhh the life.....

of a commerical tyer that is.  Woke up again this morning and sat down to work on the 8 dozen poppers I need to tie up in the next two weeks.  These are the Perfect Popper bodies in size 8.  I put the thread on the hook, then put the bodies on the hook.  From there, I seal the gap at the bottom with usually two coats of Zap-A-Gap.  Next comes sanding.  I have 30 bodies sanded and ready for the pre sealer and 30 bodies getting the first coat of Zap-A-Gap.  It is a shame I have to go to work in a little bit.  I am on a roll and happy to be tying.  I cant wait to get these guys done and in the shop!

Tools of the trade:

Got to have the coffee to keep going!

Bodies sanded and awaiting Pre Sealer

Bodies drying from the Zap-A-Gap


  1. I have to know where did you get that huge drying wheel? I am looking for one and all I can find is the small one that Orvis sells. I am getting into tying poppers so I would like to have a big wheel like that.
