Monday, January 7, 2013


What happened??  This is why you don't share your tying space.  Well that and why you don't let your spouse "clean up" your tying area.  Seriously...what happened and where did the beading stuff, figurines, nutcrackers and other assorted crap come from????


  1. the mess just shows use. Its cool, don't let your wife clean it up, she might toss usable lengths of wire ribbing, flash, etc. do you ever not finish a beer? hopefully not. it's the same thing. yeah, the nutcracker is seasonal, unless it's got some special use like the Petijean magic tool maybe? I can see it gripping CDC for dubbing loops, besides, He's obviously a fly fisher; the beard is a dead giveaway. Maybe you should keep him around for advice.

  2. Oh no! One rule at my house. Wife and cats not allowed.

  3. My tying bench is my second home. I guard mine with extreme care. Why, grandchildren, dogs, used to have a cat that destroyed a prized piece of bucktail.... Tee Hee!
    BTW, great interview over on FrankenFly! Just left a comment there, too.

  4. That sucks! If it makes you feel any better; no matter how many times I "nicely" ask her not to, my wife feels that my fly tying bench is the catch-all spot to put everything that she doesn't know what else to do with.

  5. I wish I had a tying bench. Mine is the kitchen table.

  6. We share the same room but there is a definate line in the carpet.
