Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Holidays

We, at J&M Flies, would like to wish everyone a very Happy Holidays.  We would also like to say thank you for being loyal fans, followers and customers over the past year.  We do hope you continue to follow us into the new year.  We have some new ideas, a website, a possible contest and other assorted goodies planned for the upcoming year.  Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Thanks.

Jeff and Melissa
J&M Flies


  1. Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday season to you and your family. Hope 2013 is exciting for you all!

  2. Almost forgot to mention, will be adding your blog to my blog roll over on the Rainbow Chaser. Hope you add mine!

    1. Mel,

      Thanks so much for adding us. We do appreciate it. I have been following you for a while. My photo is of a fly (green) and the name Jeff Price. I am tricky like that! :)

  3. Happy, healthy and a safe holiday to you buddy. Let's keep it rollin'!
