Friday, April 13, 2012

Customer Success Yet Again!

Not surprised though :)  Check out Bill's blog Fishing Through Life regarding his use and success with some of our poppers.  We sent Bill some Grey Ghosts and Fire Tigers last year.  Recently in his quest to reach 100 bluegills for the freezer, he headed out to a lake and tied on a Fire Tiger.  It worked really well.  Check out Bill's blog here.  It is so nice to see other people not only using our flies but also doing well with them.

The Fire Tiger Popper

A nice fat, plump gill!


  1. J & M
    The unique feature that makes this popper so effective is the placement of the legs; which gives it a level float on the surface of the water. This feature in turn adds lightness to the presentation when it touches the water. This one feature can mean the difference in landing huge bluegill as oppose to landing the normal size. Big bluegill will spook if the poppers lands on the water with a splash. I want all the advantage I can get when going after large bluegill and this popper for me makes the difference.

  2. Those poppers are works of art! Continued success.
