Friday, October 15, 2010

Addiction is in full swing

Hello world my name is Jeff and I am addicted to fly fishing.  I can't help myself.  I love it.  I had to take off work on Tuesday for a root canal.  After I was done, I decided to hit the river.  I figured why not right?  The weather was great and my mouth was still numb even after spending 2 and 1/2 hours in the chair.  The fishing is slowing down quite a bit now.  I did manage to catch one smallie, one red eyed rock and about 30 green eared sunfish in a little over 3 hours.  I was using my orange and brown cone head woolly bugger with legs that I tied up the other day. The guy works a like a charm.  I had managed to hook another decent sized smallie while working a seam but my fly line was caught in the current and I couldn't get a decent hook set on him so when he went airborne he spit the hook out.  Oh well.  Good times were had, it was nice to be out, I wasn't at work, and I managed to catch some fish to boot.

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